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Normal worries you may have

I am worried people will think I wanted to do it:

People may try to trick you into thinking that you were agreeing to what was happening. They do this to attempt to stop you from reporting it. Some abusers hope that because they made you feel partly responsible, it may confuse you or give them more control.

Remember – Just because they made you feel that you wanted to do something or share images does not mean it was your fault.  

The abuser is always to blame, sometimes it helps when we know some of their ‘tricks’ to help us understand why we do or feel the way we do.

I am worried people will think I wanted to do it:
Will people wonder why I didn’t say anything at the time?

Will people wonder why I didn’t say anything at the time?

It’s very common not to tell anyone what is happening at the time. Often you don’t want to believe it yourself. You might just want want it to go away, and the easiest way for that to happen is to try not to think about it. Most people don’t know what to say or who to speak to and need time to think about this. Some people are frightened that they won’t be believed or that they’ll get in trouble. Others might have even tried dropping hints or letting people know, but no one has figured it out and responded. There are lots of reasons why you might not say something at the time, but the important thing is that you get the help and support you need when you are ready to tell somebody. 

Remember – Telling somebody about this is really difficult. Most people will understand why you didn’t say anything at the time. There are lots of people, like teachers, nurses, police and social workers, who are all trained to know about abuse and they know how hard it is for you to talk about it.  

Will they ever find out who it was?

It may be that you are worried that no one will be able to find the person who harmed you so there is no point in telling. That may sometimes be the case but often the person can be identified.

Remember – there are lots of way professionals can investigate abuse that has been caused through technology and the person who has done this to you will want you to think there is no point in telling anyone.

Will they ever find out who it was?
Will everyone know what has happened to me?

Will everyone know what has happened to me?

No. People who work with children who have been abused need to keep information confidential. This means that they cannot tell anyone who is not linked to the support or investigation. If it is safe, they will talk to your parents to ensure they understand what has happened so they can help keep you safe. Not everyone will know everything. If there are any images that have been taken relating to the abuse, normally only the specialist police officer will see them.

Remember – you have done nothing wrong; you may feel you have but you haven’t. The person who harmed you is the person who has done wrong by hurting you. Some people will need to know so they can ensure you are safe and that you will have someone you can talk to about it if you need to.

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