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How to Tell an Adult

There are lots of reasons why somebody might want to talk to you or share links, pictures or videos with you. Most of the time this is normal and ok, but sometimes it isn’t. Those conversations might start out feeling ok and even fun, but then they might turn nasty, threatening or something just doesn’t feel right.

This is not your fault and you have not done anything wrong. The person may be behaving like this to try and make you do what they want you to do, and to stop you from telling anybody about it. 

How to Tell an Adult
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It may feel overwhelming or frightening to think about telling somebody. You might be worried about what people will think about you or what has happened. You might be scared of what they will say to or about you once you have told them. It is important to remember that you are not to blame and it isn’t your fault if something has happened to you. 

If someone is saying or doing something to you and you want them to stop, or if they have pictures or videos of you and won’t delete them or threaten to show them to others, you can talk to somebody who can help you. There are a lot of people that can help. Sometimes, it is just about finding the right person to tell. 

If you can, tell your parents or carers that something is worrying you and you need their help. If you don’t feel you can tell your parents then you can tell another adult that you trust. That might be an older family member, or a family friend, or a friend’s parent. It could also be a professional such as a teacher, support worker or health worker – people in these jobs will all have had training on how to support you with your concerns. If you are really scared and need immediate help, call 999 and ask for the police. They are there to help.  

Each council area in the UK has a social services department where you can pass on your concerns. There will always be a social worker on duty, every day of the week and whatever the time, night or day.  You can find their number by searching your local council’s website, or you can call Childline and ask them to pass on your concerns or to provide you with the council’s number.

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